Paying Homage, 2016
The American Southwest shared one of our favorite pictures from our trip to Monument Valley. Thanks for the share!

A Shadow Falls, 2016
#natur_photograph featured one of our shots from Monument Valley today! Thank you!

What was That?, 2016
That was Outdoor Photographer Magazine, featuring our photograph of two Zebra's today on Facebook and their website! Thank you!

Monument Valley, 2016
Monument Valley; Navajo Land. Iconic, sandstone images, the Forrest Gump highway and a short side trip to Canyon de Chelly. Beautiful...

Taking Off, 2016
#africanamazing featured our picture Taking Off today. Thank you!

Electric Water, shared 2016
The American Southwest shared Electric Water on their Facebook feed today. Thank you for the share!

Electric Water, 2016
Electric Water was a Pictureline "picture of the day" today! Thank you!

A Fox in a Field, 2016
Driving around looking for wildlife, this little fox was sitting in the sun just glowing.

Rhino's at Sunset, 2016
#africanamazing posted Rhino's at Sunset on their instagram. Thanks for the feature!

Swaner Nature Preserve, 2016
I love to drive around and look for Elk in the winter. Actually, any wildlife, but the Elk have been out and about around Swaner Nature...